• International Business and Strategy

    International Business Strategy is all about the contribution and participation of trade between countries. Generally it is not the governments of the countries that benefit from the trade it is the firms and the industries themselves. The major goal of the Business Strategy is to increase growth of the firms and growth in wealth.

    There are three main policies that govern the planning involved in International Business Strategies

    • The first policy that dictates the strategy is based on singular industries that and the conditions under which it trades. These conditions determine the business strategy that the particular industry trades within its own country and also internationally. This is called the Industry Based Strategy.
    • The second policy that dictates the strategies used is the specific difference that occur within those industries, so in fact this can be said to be resourced based. The resource based policy looks at the way that a specific industry deals with the ongoing issue of not just using resources but how the recourses are fairly divided up and accumulated.
    • The third policy that dictates the strategies used by both the Industry based strategies and the resourced based strategies need to merge in such a way that there is a clear view of the differences that occur between the two policies and accent given the strategies by way of some form of accounting or the differences the now only occur within the industries but also between the policies.

    Historically it was very rare for firms and companies to deal outside of the country that they operate in. In today’s market it is very unusual for a firm or company not to have at least one customer outside of the country in which they operate. In fact for many large and upcoming companies that don’t just have a distribution center outside of their base country they may also have a factory and production workers in several different countries. It you think of McDonalds, which is a worldwide commodity, it operates under all three of the International Business Strategy Policies.

    Thinking not just of commodities, think also of international consultancies that have emerged, we may have contact or do business with them on a daily basis. For every country that we work with on whatever basis, they all have their particular methods for business, their own language and their own culture. With having an International Business and Strategy and Policies it means that here is common core to work upon.

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