• Best Tips on how to Write Examples of an Academic Essay

    When you are writing an academic essay it is important that you review your guidelines thoroughly. Each assignment has a different set of details and there are many small things in the assignment instructions which can help guide your paper. You should also make sure that you set aside adequate time for research and writing especially if the paper is a longer paper beyond a simple five paragraph essay.

    More often than not most academic essays will adhere to the following structure:

    • Introduction:
    • You should assume that the committee members will not have the time to go through the whole document. They should have a good understanding of what you are about to present in your application by reading the document.

    • Paragraph 1:
    • You should spend some time crafting the first paragraph as it has the ability to make or break your application. Again, the last sentence should have a transitional hook that will tie the paragraph and the other part of the body.

    • Paragraph 2:
    • The main topic of the paragraph should be in the second sentence. It should closely relate to the thesis statement that has been stated in the first paragraph of the body. The last sentence in the paragraph should have a transitional hook to closely tie into the 3rd paragraph. The role of the transitional hook is to provide a flow of the document.

    • Paragraph 3:
    • The topic should closely relate to the thesis statement of the introductory paragraph. Again, the last sentence of the paragraph should have a transitional concluding hook that leads the reader that the paragraph is coming to an end. The hook should lead to the final conclusion paragraph.

    • Conclusion:
    • This is where you frame your complete argument by summarizing not only your thesis but the findings or evidence you have already presented in the body. Remember that this is the last chance for you to convince the reader of the validity of the information provided.

    If you are writing a paper about media and communications and you are looking for a topic consider the list below. These examples are meant to serve as a guide:

    • Talk radio
    • Materialism
    • Copyright laws
    • Censorship
    • Reality television
    • Minorities in the media
    • Media bias
    • Body image
    • Freedom of speech
    • Children’s advertising
    • Television violence
    • Portrayal of women
    • Media conglomerate ownership

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