• 20 persuasive essay topics for college students

    Writing essays or an English or argumentation class is important, as it build vital critical thinking and argumentative skills. But what to write about? The choice is not always easy. So, without further ado, here are so useful suggesting you can feel free to use:

    • Abortion is a touchy subject, but part of the reason why is that it is such a gripping and difficult ethical question.
    • Or one could try to talk about morality- are morals subject or objective? Should we take our cues for morality from religion, or should we find our morals somewhere else?
    • How important environmentalism is, and how much should we care about other species versus the benefits we could give to humans.
    • Is affirmative action ethical? How should we implement it?
    • How strong are people's property rights? Should, in America, eminent domain be a thing?
    • Alternatively, one could try to talk about morality- are morals subject or objective? Should we take our cues for morality from religion, or should we find our morals somewhere else?
    • Some technology is the future could be dangerous. If we invent hyperactive intelligent robots, would such a thing be beneficial, or even safe? Should the government put restrictions on what kind of technology we are allowed to research?
    • Recently the EU has been arguing over “The right to be forgotten” the idea that you should be able to petition companies like Google to strike your name from the internet. Is this just or feasible?
    • What about Edward Snowden, is it right for a man to betray his country if he feels it his government is betraying the interests of the people?
    • Should students in high school be required to learn computer science? What about philosophy or other subjects?
    • What kind of impact do books like Twilight and 50 shades of Grey have on culture? Is there any merit to the feminist argument that the relationships books like these portray are abusive?
    • Should schools and colleges be based off employment? Alternatively, should schools be their own environment, at the cost of preparing students for the workplace less?
    • Is celebrity worship harmful? How strong a right to privacy do famous people deserve?
    • Should we give international aid to poor nations? Are there any possible drawbacks?
    • Is the short term or long term more important?
    • Do modern inventions like social media and smart phones make our lives easier or more complicated?
    • Does constant bad news from traditional media make us more cynical and jaded?
    • What are the benefits and drawbacks of visiting another country? What about living there for a year?
    • Education is above all what determines the long term success of a nation. Do you agree or disagree?
    • Are we growing too much as a species, is our Earth becoming overpopulated? What can be done about this without terrible lapses in ethics, if so?
    • What are the kinds of factors for making a story a good story?

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