• A Quick Guide To Creating A Rhetorical Analysis Essay

    A rhetorical analysis essay intention is used to dissect a literary piece, exposing all it styles and tricks and showing how these were used to achieve the intention of the original author. You are allowed to be highly critical when doing this, you purpose is to objectively identify the aspects of the written piece that are most significant and give reasons why, stating how effective they were or were not. In the following points, I will outline simple tricks that could be used to make the completion of this quite easy:

    1. Read the piece of literature in question thoroughly, without criticism
    2. In any investigation or analysis, it is important to identify the facts from speculative information and this should be the first thing you do. Read the paper as it is and take record of all the significant points mentioned, without drawing any conclusion or interpretations other than the ones intended by the writer.

    3. Identify the main point of the piece
    4. Identify and list what you consider to be the most important aspects of the essay and list them in chronological order, giving your reasons for selecting each. This should be done before you begin writing your final essay and it will allow you to clearly analyze the information contained in the original document.

    5. Identify the methods that the writer uses to get their point across
    6. Authors employ various methods of coaxing their readers into seeing things their way, or just exactly what they want them to see or feel. Some may appeal to emotion where others might appeal to logic and these different approaches come with their own unique styles.

    7. Discuss the author’s choice of literary devices and styles
    8. Literature is filled of many different ways to express an idea or describe a scene and writers are often very creative in finding ways of using these tools. Identify each literary device used by the writer and state reasons for their choices, offering possible alternatives that may have accomplished the task better.

    9. State, giving reasons, whether or not the author was able to accomplish what they intended.
    10. Now that you have completely broken down the original paper into its basic parts and have analyzed each one. You can now state whether or not you think the author has done a good job in writing the original paper. Be concise in this final piece and ensure that your claim is supported by verifiable evidence.

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