• Writing An Informative Essay About The Advantages Of Organic Food

    An informative essay is also often called an expository essay. The main purpose of this kind of writing is to educate the audience on a certain topic. These types don’t express opinions or viewpoint, neither do they convince the readers to do something or change their beliefs. They are just interesting to read and provide information on the respective topic.

    In order to write a good and effective informative essay, a basic structure needs to be followed. This includes:

    • The beginning: the beginning of the essay is the main part which grabs the reader’s attention. It opens the topic to the audience and presents it to them.
    • The middle: the middle part is the main bulk of the essay. This section contains all the necessary facts and figures which talks about the topic in detail. By reading this the readers’ questions are answered. All answers to questions like what, where, why, how, who and when are answered here.
    • The end: this is the conclusion part of the writing. Here the entire topic is summarized and this section should always be such that it spurs the audience to learn and gain more knowledge about the topic.

    When it comes to informative writings, then a common topic to be discussed nowadays is about organic foods and its advantages. This is a serious matter of concern and is gaining a lot of importance in today’s world.

    Organic foods are basically those kind of food which are without pesticides and antibiotics. Organic farming began in the United States in the late 1940s and gradually it spread all over and it has now become a multi-billion dollar industry.

    Advantages of organic food

    • Conserves soil and water
    • Recycles animal waste
    • Releases less chemicals
    • Improves soil fertility
    • Promotes crop diversity
    • Protects farm workers, livestock and wildlife from harmful pesticides

    Although organic food has so many advantages, one major problem with its acceptance in the industry is that it is vastly misunderstood. Majority of the people have a belief that organic food is not safe. And because of this they hesitate on switching to this industry.

    If information like above is mentioned in informative essays then, it educates the readers about the topic and also helps them gain additional knowledge. Such writings makes the audience more aware of their surroundings.

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